The Blog

Sergeant Films' official blog. This is where you can stay up-to-date
with what's going on. We are the creators of the new Machinima series Rogue. We also have an extensive list of Machinima to be coming out soon. If
you want to learn more visit our website (down for contrsuction ATM)

Live Stream

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Very Tired

Well I'm exhausted. Worked for like four hours of tedious outside labor. I was supposed to work longer but whatever. Bright side if we'll be rapping up voice acting practice for the shadows and we'll get to recording in a few weeks.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fan Art!

Special Thanks to Andrew McKenna! You're awesome man! Click to enlarge!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Today's Agenda

Well what did I do today? I spent three hours going over the script for "The Shadows" with Glenn Kasper. We also watched the Rogue DVD. I also ate a lot of chicken. And then we tried to go back to the script but we were both bored.

Anyways I just wanted to let you guys know that we're really working on getting this ready. Sergeant Films all the way!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Act Now and get Rogue Chapter Four!!!!!

So guys--what's up? Certaintly not much, after all you are checking out this site--so here's the thing Rogue Chapter Four:: "Finale" Parts One and Two are on YouTube. But only for a limited time! After put Rogue Chapter Four on YouTube, it'll be off our YouTube account. So if you want to see it now. Go see it, now.

Consider this some sort of special deal, or late valentines day gift

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Yo guys! How's everything going? If you haven't noticed I'm asking you questions for you to answer. But that really doesn't matter now, does it? I guess some of you guys are p.o'd ATM huh? I mean Rogue chapter four hasn't come out and it's starting to look a lot like the Dues Ex Machina (One of my favorite machinima series BTW) finale!

I can hear it right now you guys are all like "Hey Chadwick! Why haven't you made rogue chapter Four yet?" And I'm like "Matt hasn't given me his voices so if you want to change something go to Matt!"

But before you guys pick up your pitch forks and torches (and your passports) I have some awesome news for you guys! It's actually like two awesome news articles in one go, so it's a two birds with one stone or for you Canadians two geese with one stone. has decided that they wanted to sponsor us! I mean holy freakin crap right?!! They will be distributing our videos from now on. Although Rogue Chapters 1-3 will not appear to's massive audience (because of my blatant disregard of copy right laws when I made the videos) chapter four will!

This brings me on to my second awesome, spanktaculis, freakin special news. Chapter four is on the move! Matt has given me his voices and I have edited over half the film already so expect it soon! Like next week soon!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Leaked Info

Well recently a friend of mine (Jak Buttarazzi) created a poster for something. For those of you who do not visit the forum,, I advise you do because of the amount of info leaked there. What kind of info? Not just posters but also music and concept art. But for the benifit of you guys who look here instead of the forum take a gander.

Thanks Jak for being awesome at Photoshop. This series will not be coming out for a while, but i figured you guys would want to see it. Note, Chapter Four will be coming out as soon as Matt get's me those lines.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rogue Chapter One: Re

Rogue Chapter One: Re

I am re-writing the first chapter of Rogue Chapter One, for better character introduction, higher-quality, better camer work, and above all so that we wont be rembered as the group who spelled Rogue, Rouge.

Now what can this new Rogue hold that the other one did not, well, all that was mentioned above, and some new guards with horrible sense of duty, and well, other things among that.

This might come out before Rogue Chapter 4 we know this'll tick some of you off but this one is going to be the copy that goes on along with some of the "trimmed up" versions of the other episodes. To follow that will be (maybe) a directors commentary and sometime Rogue Chapter Four.

I hope you guys are ready to see the Halo Universe change forever!

But I want you to know you guys can help! First of all, join our forums, please! Second we need a spot on Halopedia but I don't want to be the one to make it, so any fan who would like to help out there would be greatly appreciated. Third, tell your friends and helps get some views. We want Bungie to recognize us as a Machinima group so if guys can help with that, that'll be great too*

Thanks for helping Rogue become a popular Independent Machinima!

You Guys Rock Our Socks!


*I am in no way telling or asking you to spam Bungie with e-mail, just helping us earn a spot in the Machinima world will help enough!